Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Position Essay Euthanasia - 1284 Words

The Good Death Euthanasia has been a hotly debated social question for many years. For many reasons people ask for assistance to end their lives. It is legal in most states for a person to end their own life, but if someone helps someone carry out that wish, then that is a crime. It shouldn’t be illegal to help someone end their life if they wish to die to end their pain. The only sensible thing would be to legalize physician assisted suicide so that people can feel comfortable and pass away in a controlled environment. Assisted suicide is becoming more acceptable in American culture. Euthanasia has been a medical, moral, and even religious issue over the years and is slowly moving towards legalization. Euthanasia means the good†¦show more content†¦Their psychological pain can go away unlike the real pain the terminally ill experience which is why there are guidelines to who should be eligible for an easily exit this world. Most people die what would be consi dered a bad death where the quality of life is poor and they are painfully awaiting the moment of their death. Doctors are only able to prescribe medicine to help patients cope with the pain, but why should those patients keep living if their lives hold nothing more than agony and pain while their friends and family wait for them to die. Some elderly patients want to die with what little dignity the have left. Physician assisted suicide is a way for people to end their suffering when there is no hope of getting better. Death does not need to be painful; there is an easier way. Attempting to commit suicide was once a criminal act. The act of suicide has been decriminalized since the 1960’s. Assisted suicide is still illegal in the United States, with the exception of Oregon, where it is only allowed under strict circumstances. In 1991, the Netherlands was the only country that allowed doctors to assist in suicide (Humphry 29). Jack Kevorkian, a doctor in Michigan was m ade famous by assisting his patients to commit suicide. When he first started helping people, he hooked his patients up to a machine that gave them measured doses of medications and had the patients push the button that delivered theShow MoreRelatedThe Morality Of Euthanasia By James Rachels1086 Words   |  5 PagesID: 3339147 Active Euthanasia Does James Rachels in â€Å"The Morality of Euthanasia† successfully argue that in at least some cases active euthanasia is morally acceptable? Explain his view and respond to it. 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