Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The movie dead poets societys neil vs Essay Example For Students

The film dead artists societys neil versus Essay To the vast majority a fantasy is Just a piece of the creative mind, obviously it would be perfect for it to work out, yet the normal individual can see the distinction from a fantasy to the real world. The normal individual knows not to confide in individuals indiscriminately, knows to do what is best for them, they comprehend that infrequently one must set their fantasies aside for it won't work with their general surroundings, they see how to alter their fantasy to the real world. Obviously this is Just the normal individual. The characters Finny and Neil are the two visionaries and romantics and were accordingly bound to pass on for they noisy not face a daily reality such that fantasies are just dreams and reality incorporates loathe, desire and reasonable items. Finny couldn't carry on with an actual existence where his closest companion abhorred him. Neil was in capable of carrying on with a real existence in military school. Both could just live the fantasy. Finny and Neil are the two confident people and through their mentalities towards regular daily existence one can plainly observe their misguided judgments of the real world. Finny accepted that You generally succeed at sports. (26) He felt along these lines on the grounds that to him, sports were consistently fun. In a fantasy world, everybody would win in sports however in all actuality, there is consistently a washout. From Fannys straightforward thought, plainly he can not change in accordance with a reality where not every person wins. Nils misguided judgment of reality can be appeared through how he just observed the benefit of the Dead Poets Society, not the risk of it, when unmistakably the general public lead to the young men doing insane things, for example, the article in the paper. Neil additionally never considered cash while picking a Job. We will compose a custom article on The film dead writers societys neil versus explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now His dad was totally centered around cash, while Neil was the inverse. Neil needed to be an entertainer when truly on-screen characters seldom rake in tons of cash. Nils father made a decent attempt to show him the exercise of hosing a vocation that pays well yet Neil never got that. Another exercise one must learn is to never tail a person or thing aimlessly. One must dissect and think for themselves before trusting or following what anybody says. Both Finny and Neil followed individuals aimlessly which at last brought about death. Finny confided in Gene with his whole central core. He would associate nothing with Gene since its significant for me to trust you. Christ-Ive got the opportunity to trust you, at any rate. I realize you superior to anybody (154). Finny would not let his own perceptions get in he way, he totally confided in Gene when he even had a sort of feeling. (58). Finny confided in Gene more than he confided in himself. Fannys dazzle trust brought about him being so defenseless against Gene. Neil took everything Mr.. Getting said to heart. From the top notch, he took what Mr.. Getting said and made it his standards forever. Neil confided in Mr.. Gettings word without addressing them. Since Neil did that, he misjudged Mr.. Gettings words, and as opposed to draining the marrow out of life he stifled on the bone. In dread of gagging on the bone, both Finny and Neil favored not knowing reality ether than tolerating it. Finny without a doubt realized that Gene purposely pushed him off the tree however persuaded himself that l must have Just lost my equalization. It more likely than not been that (58). Finny expected to trust in Gene. He felt that Gene was his closest companion and on the off chance that he couldnt have faith in Gene, at that point an incredible structure would self-destruct. It was increasingly significant for Finny to put stock in Gene instead of to know reality. What Neil needed more than anything was to be an on-screen character, yet he realized his dad would not support, so as opposed to attempting to go to a concurrence with his dad, he deceived Mr.. Getting about having authorization. Neil couldn't manage deterrents, so he stayed away from them. He was unable to make bargains or forfeits so he escaped reality and lied. .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552 , .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552 .postImageUrl , .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552 , .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552:hover , .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552:visited , .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552:active { border:0!important; } .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552:active , .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-design: underline; } .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-improvement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uad12a65309ede9b1 505e6a6c17515552 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uad12a65309ede9b1505e6a6c17515552:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Poetry Notes EssayIt was increasingly significant for Neil to tie down his fantasy rather than discovering ceaselessly to make it work in all actuality. He was unable to acknowledge the capability of losing his fantasy. At the point when both Finny and Neil were confronted with their fantasy world being broken both their lives brought about death. Quality meant the world to Finny and when Finny had to confront reality he fled from it and tumbled down the steps. This episode prompted his passing. Finny kicked the bucket of a wrecked heart. His blamelessness and Gene letting him down slaughtered him inside and at last outside as wel l. Nils dream was to be an on-screen character. At the point when his dad took steps to compel him into military school for a long time, Neil reached the resolution that But that is ten additional years Father that is a lifetime. Neil needed to live profound and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to defeat every one of that was not life, and not when I had come to bite the dust, find that I had not lived Neil felt that on the off chance that he had to carry on with the existence his dad needed it would not be as though he were living so he felt e had no real option except to slaughter himself.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Social Network Service and Facebook Account

Ashley Ontiberos Amy Becker Eng103 Composition II November 17, 2011 The Facebook Addiction Did you realize that around one in each thirteen individuals on the planet have a Facebook account, as per Digitalbuzzblog. com. In 2010, Facebook was the most-looked through term on the web. With these measurements, I was amazed to discover that there is a turmoil known as the Facebook Addiction Disorder or FADS. I didn’t acknowledge Facebook was such a major issue until I started my examination. With all the fever of Facebook or long range interpersonal communication, one can’t help yet wonder what its evil impacts truly are. Today, In this circumstances and logical results article I need to illuminate you about how Facebook can have many negative impacts on your activity, spare time and wellbeing. As per examine done by Oregonbusinessreport. com, forty-five percent of managers screen informal organizations, for example, Facebook, before thinking about potential representatives. This was examine led in 2009. I am sure that the numbers have risen in light of the quantity of individuals who normally join as individuals from Facebook. At the point when businesses screen photographs and posts they are searching for any sort or provocative and wrong photographs. Furthermore, abusing past bosses, poor interchanges abilities is additionally something else they search for before thinking about candidates for a meeting or work. Besides, considerably after an occupation has been in truth, businesses can at present screen their employee’s Facebook account. An ongoing model is of a New Jersey first grade educator who lost her employment over a post on Facebook. On March 28th, the educator posted a status saying, â€Å"I’m not an instructor, I’m a superintendent for future crooks. † The status was sent to her educational committee and an adjudicator decided that she ought to lose her employment since this remark was unforgivable. More individuals have lost their positions over Facebook use as of late in light of the fact that most managers boycott the utilization of Facebook at work. As per Royalgazetteonline. com, 33% of businesses state that Facebook is a significant interruption at work. Most bosses don’t hinder the site yet it is a standard that representatives are not permitted on person to person communication destinations while checked in to work. In light of research as demonstrated in this exposition, Facebook has heaps of negatives impacts for workers in the event that they decide not to control what they state. Forty-eight percent of Facebook clients between the ages of eighteen and thirty-four, check their Facebook’s as their main goal every morning. Around twenty-eight percent of that number, check it from their cell phones before getting up, as per Digitalbuzzblog. com. As indicated by Addictioninfo. organization, Rob Bedi, an enlisted therapist and partner educator at the University of Victoria says, â€Å"There is a distinction among stalling and dependence, on the off chance that you’re losing task time to Facebook use, at that point it’s an issue. Facebook has become such a dependence on individuals, that there are 155 Facebook Addicts unknown gatherings on Facebook alone as indicated by Addictioninfo. organization. Hubspage. com likewise gives a rundown for individuals to peruse that shows indications of Facebook addictions. Investing a lot of energy in Facebook isn't what you would consider a â€Å"part-time hobby†. Numerous individuals are missing out on a ton of leisure time that could be utilized all the more beneficially. Individuals who are Facebook addicts decide not to go to the exercise center. Additionally they invest less and less energy with loved ones to be on Facebook. Facebook addicts can take ownership of bunches of the models given and have a troublesome time choosing when to log out. â€Å"Is Facebook transforming adolescents into narcissistic, solitary untouchable? †, was an inquiry posed in an article on CBSnews. com. A main interpersonal organization scientist, Dr. Larry D. Rosen, reacts with a yes to the inquiry. He accepts that children can create more prominent sympathy and it gives approaches to modest children to associate yet it likewise causes psychological well-being issues. As per Dr. Rosen, adolescents who use Facebook show more hostility, craziness, uneasiness and discouragement. With these issues previously happening, it can prompt progressively genuine medical issues. Youngsters are turning down chances to associate with their companions at the motion pictures, shopping centers and other hang outs. Rather they decide to hang out on the web. Late wellbeing contemplates have likewise connected Facebook use to Cancer. As per Dailymail. co. uk, Facebook can expand the danger of genuine medical issue by decreasing the quantity of up close and personal contact individuals have with individuals. The manner by which Facebook clients separate hemselves from society can change the manner in which qualities work, upset insusceptible reaction, hormone levels, the capacity of supply routes, and furthermore disable mental execution, as indicated by Dr. Aric Sigman. With these genuine modifications, it could prompt more individuals getting malignancy, coronary illness, having a stroke or in any event, creating dementia. I have educated you about some regarding the pessimi stic impacts that Facebook can have on a person’s work, spare time and wellbeing. It is so natural to get to Facebook with cell phones or workstations which offer web utilization anyplace. Facebook has attacked our lives in an incomprehensible and startling manner. When choosing whether or not to sign into Facebook maybe it would be a smart thought to figure increasingly gainful things you could do. Work Cited Associated Press. â€Å"Teacher ought to be terminated over Facebook ‘warden’ post, judge rules . † Chicago Sun Times 08 11 2011. Chicago Sun-Times. 09 11 2011. Related Press. 11/17/2011 <http://www. suntimes. com/news/country/8698139-418/instructor ought to be-terminated over-facebook-superintendent post-judge-rules. html>. Day by day Mail Reporter. How utilizing Facebook could raise your danger of malignancy. 02/19/2009 Mail Online. 11/17/11 <http://www. dailymail. co. k/wellbeing/article-1149207/How-usingFacebook-raise-hazard malignant growth. html>. Advanced Buzz Blog. Facebook Statistics, Stats and Facts For 2011 . 01/18/2001. 11/17/2011 <http://www. digitalbuzzblog. com/facebook-measurements details realities 2011/>. Grasz, Jennifer. 45% Employers use Facebook-Twitter to screen work up-and-comer s. 08/24/09 Oregon Business Report. 11/17/2001 <http://oregonbusinessreport. com/2009/08/45-managers use-facebook-twitter to-screen-work up-and-comers/>. Center points, Pages. Negative Effects of Facebook Addiction. 2011 HubsPages. 11/17/2011 <http://thurs. hubpages. om/center/Negative-Effects-of-Facebook-Addiction>. Jaslow, Ryan. Facebook attached to poor emotional wellness in teenagers: What guardians must know. 08/09/11 CBS News. 11/17/11 <http://www. cbsnews. com/8301-504763_162 20090061-10391704. html>. Pope, Danielle. Potential Facebook fixation. 01/28/2008 AddictionInfo. organization. 11/17/11 <http://www. addictioninfo. organization/articles/2171/1/Potential-Facebook dependence/Page1. html>. Illustrious Gazette Online. It’s official: Facebook is a significant interruption at work. 06/28/11 Royal Gazette Online. 11/17/2011 <http://www. royalgazette. com/article/20110628/BUSINESS05/706289929/ - 1>.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

How to Manage the Creative Process Efficiently

How to Manage the Creative Process Efficiently We often hear the word “creativity” applied to almost every field, even in science. For a  very long time, the general perception was that creativity applies only to those who are involved in the arts, or artists, such as painters, sculptors, novelists, poets, and the like. It has also been described as something that you either have, or you don’t. It’s not something that is acquired by education or formal training. It’s spontaneous; it just happens. Or so they say.But perceptions have changed, even in how we view creativity. The world soon realized that creativity is something that applies even outside the conventional “art” definition. Most importantly, it, too, involves a process. © | rasscoThis guide covers 1) the creative process, 2) the creative process in business, and 3) how to manage the creative process.THE CREATIVE PROCESSLets begin by defining creativity.First, creativity is the ability to use imaginative skills in order to come up with a new idea, produce a new product, or envision a new service. It is also described as an attitude, or a state of mind towards key factors such as change, challenges and risks. In fact, creative people are said to be the risk-taking types, as proven by some of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time.Creativity is also a process, in that it involves steps and procedures that are interdependent and connected, with an end or goal, or an expected result. It is said that entrepreneurs have great imagination, or imaginative skills, but in order for them to utilize their creativity, there are certain steps to be followed in order to bring their brilliant ideas to life. That is called the creative process, wher e an individual comes up with seemingly simple and random thoughts, and combine, manipulate and transform them into something useful or, in terms of business, profitable.Interested in learning more about the 7 habits that kill your creativity? Read this slides.[slideshare id=59510795doc=creativitykillers-160314042419w=640h=330]Over the years, there have been several researchers, scientists and thinkers who postulated the creative process. Jacques Hadamard and Henri Poincare are only two of the many scientists who devoted a lot of time in studying the Creative Process Model, but there are others who gained more recognition for it, particularly Graham Wallas and James Taylor.Wallas Creative ProcessOne of the first models of the creative process involved four steps, and was introduced by Wallas in his book, The Art of Thought.Step 1: PreparationThis is the part where we define the problem and identify the need or desire that requires a solution. Of course, the solution must be acceptab le, which is why there is also a need to set up criteria beforehand that will verify that. Once that is done, we process to gathering data or valuable information needed to come up with this solution.Step 2: IncubationThis is the stage that may last as short as a few minutes or as long as several years. The problem will then be worked through, inside out, shaken upside down and contemplated thoroughly. This may require stepping back a bit from the problem and trying to look at it from different angles or perspectives.Step 3: IlluminationRemember when you suddenly experience a rush of many insights seemingly all at once? That is the illumination stage. Eventually, the mind will come up with ideas that will serve as the basis for a consequent creative response.Step 4: VerificationThe final stage of the creative process entails carrying out various activities to test the effectiveness of the insights obtained during the elimination stage. This is also where these insights and resulting ideas are able to satisfy the needs or desires, and meet the criteria that have been previously set during the first stage, which is the preparation stage.Of course, in the ensuing years after Wallis, several other researchers and economists came up with their own take of the creative process. One of the more popular ones was that of James Taylor.Taylor’s five-stage Creative ProcessTaylor’s five-stage Creative Process followed the basic concept and flow that was earlier introduced by Wallis, but he refined it further, to make it more suitable to the changing times.Stage 1: PreparationJust as in Wallis’ model, preparation is when you identify the problem and fully define it, so you know exactly what your starting point is. Taylor’s model puts more emphasis, however, not so much on the identification of the problem, needs or desires, but on gathering as much data or information as you can about the environment you are moving around in. It is referred to as “immersing onesel f in the domain”.An entrepreneur normally does this by looking over all previous market research available, and even using other companies as case studies, for reference. Marketers also do the same way, absorbing as much information as they can, in anticipation of using everything they have gathered when they proceed to the next step.Stage 2: IncubationIt is during this second stage that all the “immersion” you did in the Preparation stage will be put to use. Just as in the older model, this may take a very long time â€" years, even â€" but it may also be accomplished in under a few days. Using all the information gathered in the first stage, you will then look at the problem.Stage 3: InsightMany call it the “lightbulb” moment, or when they go “aha!” because they just thought of something. This is when an insight suddenly pops into your mind, having lurked and played around in your subconscious during the Incubation stage.Imagine a pot of boiling water. It was simmerin g for a long while (the incubation stage), and when the heat became too much, it just had to release some of its steam, so the water boiled over and spilled out of the pot. That’s like the insight coming out or popping up.Stage 4: EvaluationThis is described by even the most creative people as the most difficult stage of the process. Mostly it is due to time constraints: there are simply too many ideas to process and evaluate, and there is so little time to do it all. Most likely, there is a deadline looming ahead, and you have to make sure you keep to it if you want the results of the creative process to actually be of use.But what makes this stage more challenging for many is the fact that it requires a heavy amount of reflection and, along with it, self-criticism. Depending on the personality of a person, this might pose to be a problem. Objectivity is required, and a ready acceptance and willingness to acknowledge that you might have come up with ideas that really do not make as much sense as you initially thought.This stage may also entail getting extra pairs of objective eyes and ears to let you know if your idea has merits, or if you should throw it out and look for something else.Stage 5: ElaborationThe last stage of the creative process involves getting actual work done. The first four stages mainly had you thinking, throwing around ideas and playing with thoughts in your head. This is where the hard work comes in.Creativity is not all about the imagination and thinking; all those creative thoughts and ideas will be for nothing if there is no action taken to bring them to reality. This is where the Elaboration stage comes in.It often involves activities such as working on the idea, creating designs, burning the midnight oil in your private workspaces, conferring with a team, and testing the idea. For example, it is when a manufacturing company creates the prototype of a new product, letting it undergo a series of testing, making the necessary tweaks , conducting re-testing, until such time that they are fully satisfied with it.Usually, one would think that following a process means strictly going with it in a linear fashion, such as being unable to go back when you realized you missed something on the previous stage. The creative process is not as restrictive as that. It always enough flexibility such that you can go back and forth among and between of the five stages.THE CREATIVE PROCESS IN BUSINESSCreativity plays a large role in business, particularly in entrepreneurship. Gone are the days when “creativity” was exclusively identified with the fields of art and literature; it is now recognized even in scientific circles. This is because business also involves ideas â€" lots of it â€" that are supposed to be “useful” and “actionable”, and these would not be possible if creativity is not involved.Take, for example, the act of introducing a new approach to an already existing business or operational process. It takes a lot of creativity to come up with a new â€" better and more efficient â€" way of doing things. Creativity is also at play when a business improves an already existing product, or introduces new enhancements that improve its quality or add value to it.Business creativity is present in all aspects of the business, not just research and development and marketing. Yes, the finance and administrative departments also benefit from having creativity. If, for example, you are able to find a new way to streamline your accounting process, or even the budgeting process, then that is already something that involves creativity.This all means that the creative process is applicable in business, and in all aspects of it, although in varying degrees. Business entails identifying problems and looking for solutions, which means business people often come up with ideas and use their imaginative skills, coupled with expertise and motivation, to do so.MANAGING THE CREATIVE PROCESSThe creative process , when employed in a business setting, does not guarantee a 100% success rate. Sometimes, the process does not pan out or yield the expected or desired results, and a huge part of that failure is because of inefficient management of the process itself.Before we can get around to learning how to manage the creative process efficiently, let us first take a look at the obstacles to creativity often encountered, not only in business, but in general.Fear of failureNo one wants to fail; who does? But sometimes, we let our fear overcome us so much that it ends up debilitating us, so that we cannot move forward with our ideas. All too often we have seen many brilliant ideas fall on the wayside, and plans and dreams go unfulfilled, for the simple reason that the one with those ideas are afraid they will fail, should they try to act on it.Entrepreneurs are seen to be some of the most creative people, and one of the traits that characterize them and set them apart from the rest is their risk-t aking attitude. They are introducing something new, something that has not been seen in a specific market before, so they could not know for sure if it will work or not. They are not entirely sure whether it will earn a profit, or just make them lose money.If you are the type to hesitate repeatedly to the point that you do not implement your business idea, because you are afraid that the product you are thinking will not sell, then you just let your fear and lack of confidence curb your creativity.Doing too many things all at oneBeing creative does not mean being “Superman”. You may be used to multi-tasking, but there is such a thing as a saturation point, where you are doing too many things at one time, and end up accomplishing or completing nothing.There is a reason why product development is a cycle. There are steps to be followed in succession, so you cannot fully move on to the next step until you are done with the previous step. Some product development teams try to circum vent this by combining two steps into one. For example, while creating a product design, they are already doing an evaluation of their own, saying this aspect will not work when it has not undergone testing yet. Or they may be working on an enhancement feature to an already existing product, but are already thinking of another feature that will be added later on.This will only make things confusing and drag the process longer.Letting negative criticism and discouraging words from others stop youYou have an idea, and you know that it is brilliant. But suddenly other people are telling you that it won’t work. There is a better product out there, they say. Your innovation to an existing product will not last long, they say. Because of that, you abandoned the idea altogether, without really evaluating properly whether what they are saying holds water or not.It is good to hear the criticisms of other people, because you may get even better ideas from listening to them. However, if you let them put a complete stop to your creative thinking, then you just let yourself lose needlessly.Too much informationWe did say that the creative process involves absorbing as much information as you possibly could in the Incubation Stage. But then we are also saying that having too much information is an obstacle to creativity. That is a bit contradictory, right?Not really. We are referring, of course, to relevant and useful information. Sometimes we tend to get all the information available, never mind that they are not really applicable or relevant to the current task or idea that we are contemplating. It is easy to be overwhelmed by too much information, especially if many of them are not really necessary. Therefore, you should be able to identify the information that you need and can actually use.After taking note of all that, let us take a look at some of the tips that you can use in order to manage the creative process efficiently.Manage your Creative TeamDesign your team w ell.  You have to know what your objectives are so that you know what your team’s setup should be. When you know what you want to achieve, you can easily envision how many people you need in your team, what are the skills required, and how the work is supposed to flow.Choose your team members well.  Teamwork plays an integral role in the success of any project, and for the creative process to be followed smoothly. You want to be able to work with people who share the same visions as you, and who understand fully what your goal is.Match people with the correct tasks.  Each person has a specific skill set that is required for the project at hand. Now it is up to you to assign them tasks or roles that match with their skill sets and qualifications. This will also help them grow and improve as professionals and let them exercise their creativity.Give your team members autonomy.  Creativity should not be restricted. By giving your team members a certain degree of freedom or autonomy, y ou are allowing them to fully let their creative juices flow. This is also a proven way of encouraging an increase in their productivity.Use the power of motivation.  Every once in a while, you have to make sure your team’s morale is kept up. Boost them, if necessary. No matter how passionate a worker is about this job, sometimes he would need even a little bit of motivation to push him harder.Manage your ResourcesKnow what you have.  This is a problem in many organizations. They go ahead and plan for projects without fully knowing whether they have the resources they need or not. As a result, their projects are met with stoppages, and time is wasted. Worse, some of them end up scrambling to obtain these resources, and end up spending more than they should, or can afford to. Assess your resources so you can plan accordingly.Allot the resources carefully.  This is especially true when you are dealing with budget constraints. As much as entrepreneurs and businessmen want to, there i s no such thing as unlimited resources. Therefore, they have to make sure to allocate the resources carefully and accordingly.Use time properly.  Time is one of the most important resources. While it is true that there are some areas of the creative process where rushing is not allowed (incubation stage), that does not mean that you should let time flow by unchecked. Remember that you will still have to deal with time limitations and deadlines when you reach the other stages. Proper scheduling and sticking to that schedule is very important.Establish a good physical working environment.  Ideas flow more freely in the right setting or environment. Brainstorming can become more productive if in a physical space that is designed to be conducive to sharing ideas.Seek Organization SupportThis is another way to ensure that the creative process goes smoothly. Make sure you have the support, not only of the top management, but of the entire organization. Some of the ways to do this includes maintain transparency and keeping them updated about the results of the process, the progress that your team is making, and your end goals.Conflicts come with the territory, but by keeping communication lines open and making an effort to gain their support, your chances of getting the results you want just got higher.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Love - 1102 Words

â€Å"Love for another often hides a greater love for oneself† By a close comparison of your two texts, discuss the representation of sex and seduction. In both Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ and Ford’s ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore’ sex is represented as a catalyst for sin. The love which is promised by many of the central characters in the poem and the play often has a falsehood and is used as a facade for the character’s true egotistic needs within. One can see a falsehood in Giovanni’s admitted love for Annabella which conceals a simply lustful desire for his sister. When demonstrating his love for Annabella, Giovanni focuses solely on her aesthetics, a love that T.S Elliot believed to be merely a â€Å"carnal infatuation†. This can be seen in his†¦show more content†¦During the time in which Ford was writing his play, women were expected to obey their father in the choice of a husband. A similar falsehood can be seen in Florio’s supposed love for Annabella. He uses a generous display of his care for his daughter as a sign of his own status and lucrative power, â€Å"My care is how to match her to her liking†, telling Donado that â€Å"I would not have her marry wealth, but love†. However, this is simply an exhibition of any genuine interest in his daughter’s self-government. Annabelle’s happiness becomes one more possession he can show off and Florio disguises a devotion to the instruction of his daughter’s desire with apparent good intentions and paternal thoughtfulness. Florio however secretly imposes his own choice of husband on his daughter with the promise of his daughter’s hand to Soranzo. This falsehood of intention can be compared to Milton’s Satan’s suggested compassion for Eve. He â€Å"with show of zeal and love to man†¦ new part puts on† and displays his false ‘love’ for mankind, thus concealing his real intents of temptation. By looking â€Å"as passion moved† and â€Å"disturbed† Satan leads Eve to her eventual fall. Although there are multiple opinions stating that Adam’s love for Eve has a lustful falseness, one can see signs of true love in his reluctance to part with her, eventually telling her to â€Å"Go for thy stay, not free, absents thee more†. This marital love can also be seen in Adam’s â€Å"Glorious trial of exceedingShow MoreRelatedThe Love Of Love And Love1732 Words   |  7 Pagesstill today, love is one of the most talked about topics, from the media to our everyday lives. It is described as being one of the best feelings on earth, and one that many cannot live without. Being in love gives a feeling of purpose; something to live and strive for. Everyone in this world desires love in any form, whether it is with family, friends, or a romantic partner. It is a basic human need. Basic needs are said to motivate people when they are essentially unmet. When love and affectionRead MoreLove And Love : My Love Of Love724 Words   |  3 Pagesthis did not stop me, and I continued my kindergarten career chasing after a boy in my class, making him hold my hand every time we went to recess. Alas, this crush continued until middle school, and I will always remember this boy as my first-first love at sight. Despite the infatuation my six year old self found herself in, there laid a sort of mystery around girls. It was not until I was in sixth grade when I started developing an inclining around the other girls I spent a majority of my time withRead MoreLove : A Kind Of Love1671 Words   |  7 Pages Intro to lit. 125 A Kind of Love Love is eternal. The boundary of love is not defined yet and can never be defined. Love has created a wonderful cities and has also destroyed the wonderland. Some classify love as something that you feel for some people sometimes. It is often linked or used interchangeably with lust. Others feel that it is something that is constant and untouched by judgement and feeling. The true eternal love is hard to find in this world and few lucky peopleRead MoreLove : Love And Relationships Essay1213 Words   |  5 PagesLove and relationships Love is a significant aspect in people’s lives that requires commitment and attention. Despite the many assumptions on love, it is important to understand that happiness in love comes from sharing not only the good but also the bad. In order to have a successful relationship, there is need to understand that love requires sacrifices as well as endeavoring to cultivate love for mutual benefit. If true love existed in the world, there would be no need for divorce. EveryoneRead MoreLove And War And Love1513 Words   |  7 Pageswar and love. They also have their own opinions on a way to go about these things. These two subjects seem to be completely opposite of each other, but they still manage to tie in together. They might not be the same thing but in certain scenarios they can be viewed as the same thing. For example, in some situations love can be considered the same as war. However, love and war can contradict themselves at the same time to. Sometimes, love can bring war, but war can also lead people to love. It allRead MoreFriendship, Love, And Love1401 Words   |  6 PagesFriendship and romantic love are two of the most fundamental relationships that human beings engage in. As social animals, most humans are naturally drawn to form bonds of affection with other people. Both friendship and love, however, are difficult to fully define and conceptualize. The fundamental meaning of each has changed throughout the course of human history a nd appears in different forms among different cultures. Modern interpretations of friendship and love will guide this explication, asRead MoreLove : The Nature Of Love1912 Words   |  8 PagesThe Nature of Love in Till We Have Faces The concept of love is a varying, odd and often fleeting thing. It is one of the single things in this world that almost every person might have a different definition for. People have even created different languages in which to give and receive love so we might understand and better love one another, to which everyone s is different. Over time the definition of love has changed - yes it may always have stayed the same in the dictionary, but the perceptionRead MoreLove Is A Feeling Of Love1206 Words   |  5 Pagesare born to love. Love can be defined in an infinite amount of words, terms and definitions. More important than the definition itself is the actual act of love. Love is profound and we as humans encounter love at every, albeit different stages of our lives. For most individuals, we experience love as early on as birth, our first memories of love are generally between three and five years of age, whether that memory is being tucked in by a parent or relative, or a kiss g oodnight. Love is a feelingRead MoreLove Is The Type Of Love990 Words   |  4 PagesLove, a combination of strong emotions, concerns, and desires one feels for another human being. It could be shown by ones behavior and sexual attraction towards the person whom they love. There are many facets of love that was described within the text such as passionate, unrequited, companionate, consummate love and many others. The love type of relationship that I would be focusing on is an intimate partner kind of love. According to Sternberg, the ideal kind of love which consist of intimacyRead MoreLove1186 Words   |  5 Pagesis the theme of love. Philia, Eros, and Agape are the three types of love present in the play and are what represent the theme of love. These three types of love, Philia, Eros, and Agape are expressed by the different characters in the play. The expression of the theme of love in the play is not just there by accident; William Shakespeare put it in this comedic and romantic play with a purpose. Philia is one of the three kinds of love expressed in the play. The type of love that Philia represents

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Position Essay Euthanasia - 1284 Words

The Good Death Euthanasia has been a hotly debated social question for many years. For many reasons people ask for assistance to end their lives. It is legal in most states for a person to end their own life, but if someone helps someone carry out that wish, then that is a crime. It shouldn’t be illegal to help someone end their life if they wish to die to end their pain. The only sensible thing would be to legalize physician assisted suicide so that people can feel comfortable and pass away in a controlled environment. Assisted suicide is becoming more acceptable in American culture. Euthanasia has been a medical, moral, and even religious issue over the years and is slowly moving towards legalization. Euthanasia means the good†¦show more content†¦Their psychological pain can go away unlike the real pain the terminally ill experience which is why there are guidelines to who should be eligible for an easily exit this world. Most people die what would be consi dered a bad death where the quality of life is poor and they are painfully awaiting the moment of their death. Doctors are only able to prescribe medicine to help patients cope with the pain, but why should those patients keep living if their lives hold nothing more than agony and pain while their friends and family wait for them to die. Some elderly patients want to die with what little dignity the have left. Physician assisted suicide is a way for people to end their suffering when there is no hope of getting better. Death does not need to be painful; there is an easier way. Attempting to commit suicide was once a criminal act. The act of suicide has been decriminalized since the 1960’s. Assisted suicide is still illegal in the United States, with the exception of Oregon, where it is only allowed under strict circumstances. In 1991, the Netherlands was the only country that allowed doctors to assist in suicide (Humphry 29). Jack Kevorkian, a doctor in Michigan was m ade famous by assisting his patients to commit suicide. When he first started helping people, he hooked his patients up to a machine that gave them measured doses of medications and had the patients push the button that delivered theShow MoreRelatedThe Morality Of Euthanasia By James Rachels1086 Words   |  5 PagesID: 3339147 Active Euthanasia Does James Rachels in â€Å"The Morality of Euthanasia† successfully argue that in at least some cases active euthanasia is morally acceptable? Explain his view and respond to it. In this essay, we are going to analyze the main ideas included in â€Å"The Morality of Euthanasia† by James Rachels to provide a response to the following question: Does James Rachels in â€Å"The Morality of Euthanasia† successfully argue that in at least some cases active euthanasia is morally acceptableRead MoreEuthanasi The Issue Of Euthanasia1427 Words   |  6 Pages Euthanasia: The main purpose of this essay is to focus on the controversy surrounding the issue of euthanasia and analyse the pros and cons arguments regarding euthanasia. This essay will aim to analyse in further details the complexity of the matter regarding euthanasia and will argue the pros and cons of euthanasia and will also debate the major impact that legalising euthanasia might have on the society, on the medical industry andRead MoreArgumentative Essay : Killing And Letting Die1401 Words   |  6 PagesArgumentative Essay # 1: Killing and Letting Die According to James Rachels in his highly acclaimed article The End of Life, Rachels argues that killing and letting die are morally equivalent. My objective within this essay is to highlight and illuminate Rachel’s key points within the The End of Life, which leads him to this particular conclusion. While doing so I will highlight the main objection to Rachels argument, and illuminate my own objections to further prove that Rachels position is falseRead MoreEuthanasia: Not Morally Acceptable Essay1646 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract In the following essay, I argue that euthanasia is not morally acceptable because it always involves killing, and undermines intrinsic value of human being. The moral basis on which euthanasia defends its position is contradictory and arbitrary in that its moral values represented in such terms as ‘mercy killing’, ‘dying with dignity’, ‘good death’ and ‘right for self-determination’ fail to justify taking one’s life. Introduction Among other moral issues, euthanasia emerged with modern medicalRead MoreBeliefs of Different Religions About Euthanasia1569 Words   |  7 PagesDifferent Religions About Euthanasia For this essay I have decided to study the two religions Christianity and Buddhism. Buddhism has no major denominations, unlike Christianity, which has many denominations around the globe. However, I am only going to focus on Christianity as a whole, quoting teachings from the Bible (Old and New Testament), and then referring to the two major denominations of Anglican and Roman Catholic when their points on euthanasia are absolute. I haveRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide938 Words   |  4 PagesOthers take the position that we didn’t choose our birth therefore our death isn’t ours to choose either. This has caused considerable debate as moral, ethical and legal ramifications come into the mix. This in turn has led to defining the process under two different terms for legal purposes. They are euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. Internationally, assisted suicide is when a doctor prescribes a drug that ends life, but the patient is responsible for taking them. Euthanasia is defined byRead MoreEuthanasi Ethical And Legal Issues Within The Australian Context1550 Words   |  7 Pagesis more challenging to reconcile than that of euthanasia. The legalisation of euthanasia continues to be passionately debated. It has been a pertinent issue in human rights discourse as it affects ethical and legal issues pertaining to both the patient and the hea lth care practitioner (Bartels Otlowski, 2010). The following essay will define euthanasia and make the distinction between active, passive, voluntary, non-voluntary, involuntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. Relevant legalRead MoreTaking a Look at Euthanasia1733 Words   |  7 PagesEuthanasia, also commonly referred to as ‘mercy killing’, and ‘assisted suicide’, has been and continues to be the subject to moral, legal, religious and political debates around the world. At the core of debate lies to competing values between the right for every individual to decide to die with dignity when suffering, and the need to uphold the right to life. (Australian Human Rights Commission. 1996) The purpose of this task is to critically analyse the nature and extent of euthanasia and whetherRead MoreEssay on Untimely Death578 Words   |  3 Pagesto end their suffering? Many people have different views on this situation, but I believe that it is the patients decision because the patient knows how much pain they are in, and if they can not take it any longer. In the essay Active and Passive Euthanasia James Rachels wrote that he thinks that it is a better choice morally to withdraw life support, and let a person die, rather than ending a persons life through other means. I do not believe that if a patient is about toRead MoreExamination of the Main Issues of the Euthanasia Debate Essay example1337 Words   |  6 PagesExamination of the Main Issues of the Euthanasia Debate Introduction Talk of suicide and euthanasia has long been the focus of media attention. Recently this debate has been furthermore justified with the advent of European clinics that specialise in professional mercy killings for the terminally ill and those suffering incurable pain. To add to this, suicide rates in this country are ever increasing, with this being one of the ten most common causes of death in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Statistics †Elements of a Test Hypothesis Free Essays

Elements of a Test of Hypothesis 1. Null Hypothesis (H0 ) – A statement about the values of population parameters which we accept until proven false. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Statistics – Elements of a Test Hypothesis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Alternative or Research Hypothesis (Ha )- A statement that contradicts the null hypothesis. It represents researcher’s claim about the population parameters. This will be accepted only when data provides su? cient evidence to establish its truth. 3. Test Statistic – A sample statistic (often a formula) that is used to decide whether to reject H0 . 4. Rejection Region- It consists of all values of the test statistic for which H0 is rejected. This rejection region is selected in such a way that the probability of rejecting true H0 is equal to ? (a small number usually 0. 05). The value of ? is referred to as the level of signi? cance of the test. 5. Assumptions – Statements about the population(s) being sampled. 6. Calculation of the test statistic and conclusion- Reject H0 if the calculated value of the test statistic falls in the rejection region. Otherwise, do not reject H0 . 7. P-value or signi? cance probability is de? ned as proportion of samples that would be unfavourable to H0 (assuming H0 is true) if the observed sample is considered unfavourable to H0 . If the p-value is smaller than ? , then reject H0 . Remark: 1. If you ? x ? = 0. 05 for your test, then you are allowed to reject true null hypothesis 5% of the time in repeated application of your test rule. 2. If the p-value of a test is 0. 20 (say) and you reject H0 then, under your test rule, at least 20% of the time you would reject true null hypothesis. 1. Large sample (n 30) test for H0 :  µ =  µ0 (known). Z= x ?  µ0 ? ? v n Example. A study reported in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology investigated the relationship of employment status to mental health. Each of a sample of 49 unemployed men was given a mental health examination using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). The GHQ is widely recognized measure of present mental health , with lower values indicating better mental health. The mean and standard deviation of the GHQ scores were x = 10. 94 and s = 5. 10, ? respectively. (a). Specify the appropriate null and alternative hypothesis if we wish to test the research hypothesis that the mean GHQ score for all unemployed men exceeds 10. Is the test one-tailed or two-tailed? (b). If we specify ? = 0. 05, what is the appropriate rejection region for this test? c). Conduct the test, and state your conclusion clearly in the language of this exercise. Find the p-value of the test. (Ans. H0 :  µ = 10; Ha :  µ 10; One-tailed test; Rejection region: Z 1. 645; Test score: Z = 1. 29; Do not reject H0 , GHQ score does not exceeds 10; p-value = 0. 0985) Example. A consumer protection group is concerned that a ketchup manufacturer is ? lling its 20-ounce family-size containers with less than 20 ounces of ketchup. The group purchases 49 family-size bottles of this ketchup, weigh the contents of each, and ? nds that the mean weight is 19. 6 ounces, and the standard deviation is equal to 0. 22 ounces. (a). Do the data provide su? cient evidence for the consumer group to conclude that the mean ? ll per family-size bottle is les than 20 ounces? Test using ? = 0. 05. (b). Find the p-value of the your test in part (a). (Ans. H0 : = 20; Ha : 20; Rejection Region is Z ? 1. 645 (one-tailed test); test score Z = ? 4. 45; Reject H0 at ? = 0. 05, su? cient evidence to say that the mean ? ll per family-size bottle is less than 20 ounces; p-value = 0) Example. State University uses thousands of ? uorescent light bulbs each year. The brand of bulb it currently uses has a mean life of 900 hours. A manufacturer claims that its new brands of bulbs, which cost the same as the brand the university currently uses, has a mean life of more than 900 hours. The university has decided to purchase the new brand if, when tested, the test evidence supports the manufacturer’s claim at the . 10 signi? cance level. Suppose 99 bulbs were tested with the following results: x = 919 hours, s = 86 hours. Find the rejection region for the test of interest to the State University. ? (Ans. Rejection Region: Z 1. 28) 1 . Small sample (n ? 30) test for H0 :  µ =  µ0 (known). t= This test requires that the sampled population is normal. x ?  µ0 ? s v n Example. A random sample of n observations is selected from a normal population to test the null hypothesis that  µ = 10. Specify the rejection region for each of the following combinations of Ha , ? , and n. (a). Ha :  µ = 10, ? = 0. 01, n = 14. (Ans. t ? 3. 012, or t 3. 012) (b). Ha :  µ 10, ? = 0. 025, n = 26. (Ans. t ? 2. 06) Example. According to advertisements, a strain of soybeans planted on soil prepared with a speci? d fertilizer treatment has a mean yield of 475 bushels per acre. Twenty farmers who belong to a cooperative plant the soybeans. Each uses a 40-acre plot and records the mean yield per acre. The mean and variance for the sample of 20 farms are x = 462 and s2 = 9070. ? Specify the null and alternative hypothesis used to determine if the mean yield for the soybeans is di? erent than advertised. (Ans. H0 :  µ = 475; Ha :  µ = 475) Example. A psychologist was interested in knowing whether male heroin addicts’ assessments of self-worth di? er from those of the general male population. On a test designed to measure assessment of self-worth, the mean score for males from the general population was found to be equal to 48. 6. A random sample of 25 scores achieved by heroin addicts yielded a mean of 44. 1 and a standard deviation of 6. 2. Do the data indicate a di? erence in assessment of self-worth between male heroin addicts and general male population? Test using ? = 0. 01. (Ans. H0 :  µ = 48. 6; Ha :  µ = 48. 6; Test score t = ? 3. 63 Rejection Region: t 2. 797, or t ? 2. 797 (two-tailed test); Observed t-score falls in the rejection region. Reject H0 at ? = 0. 1. Data indicate a di? erence in assessment of self-worth between male heroin addicts and general male population) 3. Large sample test for H0 : p = p0 (known). Z= p ? p0 ? p0 (1? p0 ) n For this test, sample size is considered large if p0  ± 3 p0 (1? p0 ) n falls between 0 and 1. Example. The National Science Foundation, in a survey of 2,237 engineering graduate students who earned their Ph. D. deg rees, found that 607 were U. S. citizens; the majority (1,630) of the Ph. D degrees were awarded to foreign nationals. Conduct a test to determine whether the true percentage of engineering Ph. D. degrees awarded to foreign nationals exceeds 50%. Use ? = 0. 01. (Ans. H0 : p = 0. 5; Ha : p 0. 5; Test score Z = 21. 63; Rejection region; Z 2. 33 (one tailed test) Reject H0 at ? = 0. 01. True percentage p exceeds 50%. p-value = 0) Example. The business college computing center wants to determine the proportion of business students who have personal computers (PC’s) at home. If the proportion exceeds 30 percent, then the lab will scale back a proposed enlargement of its facilities. Suppose 250 business students were randomly sampled and 85 have personal computers at home. Conduct a test to see if the scale back of the proposed enlargement of its facilities is needed. Use ? = 0. 05. (Ans. H0 : p = . 3; Ha : p 0. 3; Large sample z-test for proportion; test score: Z = 1. 38; Rejection region; Z 1. 645; Do not reject H0 at ? = 0. 05. Scale back of the proposed enlargement of its facilities is not needed) 2 Example. A method currently used by doctors to screen women for possible breast cancer fails to detect cancer in 15% of the women who actually have the disease. A new method has been developed that researchers hope will be able to detect cancer more accurately. A random sample of 70 women known to have breast cancer were screened using the new method. Of these, the new method failed to detect cancer in six. Specify the null and alternative hypothesis that the researchers wish to test. Calculate the test statistic, determine the rejection region if ? = 0. 05, ? nd the p-value, and state the conclusion clearly in the language of this exercise. (Ans. H0 : p = 0. 15; Ha : p 0. 15; Test score: Z = ? 1. 51; Rejection Region: Z ? 1. 645; Do not reject H0 ; Insu? cient evidence to conclude that the new method is more accurate than the one currently used. -value= p(Z ? 1. 51) = 0. 5 ? 0. 4345 = 0. 0655) Example. The Midwest Organization of Retired Oncologists and Neurologists (M. O. R. O. N. ) has recently taken ? ack from some of its members regarding the poor choice of the organization’s name. The association bylaws require that more than 60% of the organization must approve a name change. Rather than convene a meeting, it is ? rst desir ed to use a sample to determine if a meeting is necessary. A random sample of 60 of M. O. R. O. N. ’s members were asked if they want M. O. R. O. N. to change its name. Forty-? ve of the respondent’s said †yes. Find the p-value for the desired test of hypothesis. (Ans. p-value= p(Z 2. 37) = 0. 0089) Example. Increasing numbers of businesses are o? ering child-care bene? ts for their workers. However, one union claims that more than 80% of ? rms in the manufacturing sector still do not o? er any child-care bene? ts to their workers. A random sample of 480 manufacturing ? rms is selected, and only 27 of them o? er child-care bene? ts. Specify the rejection region that the union will use when testing at alpha = . 05. (Ans. Ha : p 0. 8; Rejection region: Z 1. 645) 3 How to cite Statistics – Elements of a Test Hypothesis, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Report Based On The Project Done On Work Stress

Question: Describe progress report based on the project done? Answer: Report Based on the project done on work stress and its impact on the performance of employee in Information Technology sector, it has been found that, there is definitely major impact on the performance of the employee due to the work pressure. Purpose of this report is to summarise the overall analysis which has been done for the topic selected. Thus topic selected for this particular was relationship between job stress and employees performance. Selected sector for this analysis was information technology. This report represents the plan on project during the period of 1st November till 30th December2014. Aim of the project was to understand various issues related to job stress, and its impact on the employee performance. Even though, IT being a main stream employment sector, it was relatively easy to find relevant data. However, there were certain issues faced during the execution of the project, like many of the employees who were interviewed as part of survey were not forthcoming abou t the information which was required. Also, IT companies do not admit in public domain about stress related issues and its impact on employee information, due to which most of the information was relatively implicit in nature. There is no doubt that today work pressure in IT sector has taken epidemic proportions which is impacting both personal and professional life of an employee working in the company. As a result of the project prepared, it was found that there are multiple reasons behind work pressure. Firstly at times it is related to financial matters, for example an employee might not be satisfied with the compensation being offered to him, In that case he will probably not perform up to the mark, and this will further complicate the situation as non-performance will result into increase in the work pressure. This project on employee stress and its impact on the employee performance was executed for a period of one month between 1st Novemeber2014 till 30th December2014. As part of this execution one important finding is that work press and relationship with performance is closely related to each other. Both forms a vicious circle in which if an employee fails to perform it results in further work pressure, whereas if employee approaches a work with negative mind set and work pressure than again there will be impact on the final performance of the employee. Hence it is important for an employee to understand the core reasons which are resulting into work pressure. It has been found that often poor time management skills of employees are also responsible for lack of performance. However, managers and organisational policies of an IT company are equally responsible for work pressure and poor performance. That is why, it is important for organisations today to have constant touch with their e mployees behaviour. If any kind of behavioural change is observed, then discussion should be arranged with that employee, so that his thought process can be understood, and according relevant steps can be taken to rectify the situation. Managers have also played a major role in the work pressure and poor performance of an employee. Often mangers allocate work which disproportionate to the capability of the employee, however in order to prove oneself, employees also readily accept the work, later on to realise that work accepted might be beyond their capacity or expertise, this situation further creates a demand from employees perspective to sustain himself in the market. That is why, it is important for IT organisations, and for that matter any other organisation in the different sector to have dedicated policy related to stress management of employees. It will enable employees to share their concerns with an authority that can guide them properly and help them in getting away from a stressful situation, also employees should be taught proper time management skills to ensure that they can effectively manage their work and avoid from any potential work related stress.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sameness in The Giver by Lois Lowry Essay Example

Sameness in The Giver by Lois Lowry Paper Lois Lowry, an American writer that had written over forty children’s books and received numerous awards, delivered her point of view through the book, The Giver. Throughout the book, it displayed the importance of the memory, the importance of the individual, and the effect on how the community works in the condition of autonomy. Lowry used a perspicuous writing style, plain diction, and double-faced literary devices to offer the central theme of this book; that memory is meant to be shared. The author’s uses a clear writing style and plain diction to give the readers a better access to the deeper meaning of the novel. Throughout the novel, instead of using complex phrases and abstruse words, Lowry used perspicuous writing style so that the readers could understand the deeper meaning of her diction, since from the novel we see evidence of, â€Å"The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared,† (pp.193). Lowry simply displayed her meaning on the surface that although there will be dreadful memories out there, the worst part of it was that people couldn’t share memories together, because people bond together with memories surrounding them. We can see further evidence that the author used a comprehensible writing style as the novel mentioned, â€Å"If everything’s the same, then there aren’t any choices! I want to wake up in the morning and decide things!† (pp.12 3). By looking at this sentence, the readers could interpret immediately that the protagonist wants to have control over his life, he wants to change and decide things on his own, but not by the community. Instead of using esoteric diction and writing style to enrich the novels, Lowry chooses to do it in her own. We will write a custom essay sample on Sameness in The Giver by Lois Lowry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sameness in The Giver by Lois Lowry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sameness in The Giver by Lois Lowry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The author uses concise and explicit literary devices in order to let the readers perceive meanings. Lowry mainly used three main literary devices to fulfill her story: metaphor, symbolism, and

Saturday, March 7, 2020

How has the Invention of Contact Lenses affected peoples Sight Essay Example

How has the Invention of Contact Lenses affected peoples Sight Essay Example How has the Invention of Contact Lenses affected peoples Sight Essay How has the Invention of Contact Lenses affected peoples Sight Essay People with sight troubles have had the possibility of wearing glasses for a really long time, but the new technology made available contact lenses. In this essay, I am going to look at the different contact lenses types that exist, at who invented them and when, for which vision problems they are solution, at how to take care of them, at how common they are in our society and finally, I will write about my own opinion.What contact lenses areAccording to the Macmillan Dictionary (2002), contact lens may be defined as a plastic lens that you wear in your eye to help you see more clearly.A very wide variety of contact lenses are available in todays society, including hard and soft (even if soft is by far more common now), disposable and extended wear; this makes it easy for each person to chose the appropriate type of contact lens for her. The main types of contact lenses are listed below:* Soft lenses: As these lenses are soft, they are made of a large percentage of water, and this al lows oxygen to pass through the lens and reach the cornea. They are also more comfortable and easier to adapt to.* Rigid-gas permeable lenses: these lenses are not made of water so they are not as comfortable as the soft ones, but they do allow a larger amount of oxygen to pass through them. Their best advantage is that they offer a excellent sight correction.* Disposable lenses: Disposable means that the lenses are worn for a definite period (from two weeks to six months depending on the lenses) of time before being thrown away and replaces by a fresh new pair. The fact of throwing out the lenses helps making sure the lenses are always very clean, so healthier and more comfortable.* Extended wear lenses: these lenses are made to be worn 24h a day, and up to seven days on a row (a new type made of silicone hydrogel allows more oxygen to flow in so that they can be kept for up to 30 days without taking them off).* Bifocal contact lenses: this type of lens has two major functions: to correct distance vision and to correct near vision. There are two main designs: the power or seeing far is concentrated at the top and the one of seeing nearby at the bottom, or the different powers are blended on different parts of the lens.* Coloured contact lenses: they can be used to correct existent sight troubles, but also just to look prettier, as they come in a large variety of colours, from hazel to blue, passing by grey, purple and green.However the lenses type that is mostly used today is a combination of both soft and disposable lenses, simply called the disposable soft contact lenses, because they are the healthiest ones, more comfortable, and major prices differences from an average model of these different types of lenses do not exist.When and by who they were inventedThe famous Italian inventor Leonardo da Vinci was the first one to come up with contact lenses sketches and explanations, at the beginning of the 16th century. It is only in 1801 that Thomas Young develo ped the idea Rene Descartes had had more than 150 years before. Thomas Young, who was a British physician, took small lenses from his microscope, covered the edges of them in soft wax and put them into his own eyes to correct his vision.In 1887, the glassblower F.E. Muller produces the first lens designed to be seen through and tolerated; (however, according to the book 100 greatest medical discoveries, it is the American Louis J. Girard who developed the first contact lens this same year). Almost half a century later, the American William Feinbloom is the first one who creates an US-made contact lens and introduces the use of plastic in it.After few improvements such as making the inner-surface of the corneal lens follow the eyes shape (instead of sitting flat) or also the use of a new material, a softy water absorbing plastic, it is in 1971 that the soft lens became available for commercial distribution in the United States. New models of lenses, each time with more improvement, w ere then created and commercialised (around a new model every two years).In 1987, a great evolution can be established: disposable soft contact lenses and the first multipurpose lens care product (explained in more details further) were available for commercial distribution, as well as a soft contact lens able o change the eye colour: this is the start of contact lens use in fashion.For who (explanation of vision troubles)Contact lenses were designed for people who cannot see properly, and nowadays they are definitely developed enough to be able to correct almost all the vision troubles. The 5 main vision conditions are the following:* Astigmatism: this condition usually affects both nearsightedness and farsightedness because the corneas curvature is rather oval when it should be round. Their sight is not prà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½cised and for example, they can confuse the letters M, N and H, or B and D. It is often associated to myopia or hyperopia.* Hyperopia: this is a long-sightedness cond ition, and people affected by it have difficulties to focus on close objects, while the sight of distant objects stays correct. It might be because the cornea is too bulging, or because the crystalline lens (see eye diagram) of the eye is too flat.* Myopia: also known as short-sightedness, people affected by this condition are able to do tasks that require a vision of nearby objects, such as reading or sewing; but they see distance objects blurred so for example, they cannot read highway signs.* Presbyopia: this long-sightedness condition cannot be avoided because it touches everyone at some point in life (usually around 40-50 years old). It is due to a loss in flexibility of the lens and loss of power of the ciliary muscles and it cause the person to have difficulties in focusing on nearby objects. A person affected by this condition will for example hold her newspapers further away from her eyes to see it better (we say that the arm grows shorter because it is not able to hold the object at a distance long enough for these people to see anymore).* Strabismus: this condition, also called lazy eye, makes us squint; there is a lack of coordination between the muscles of the two eyes, and this means that the vision axes of our two eyes are not parallel so they dont point out at the same direction. This affects our depth perception.The following eye diagram will help understand which parts of the eyes are damaged by the previously explained conditions:How to use themYou definitely need to consult a specialist who will tell you the type of contact lenses that are the most appropriate to your case: the optometrist will prescribe the lenses to you and the oculist will provide them. Your ophthalmologist will explain you how to put them on; it might look hard at the beginning but its just a matter of getting used to it. But two rules are still primordial: to make sure you have clean hands before you put your lenses in your eyes and not to wear them for than the indica ted time.It is very important to take care of you contact lenses; indeed they need regular cleaning and disinfecting to retain clear vision and prevent infections. Eyes were not designed to have a foreign object in them. Plus this foreign object prevents the air to reach the eye, while this sight organ needs to receive oxygen. Contact lenses make your eyes vulnerable to all sorts of things so by cleaning them, they are less likely to breed bacteria and they are more air permeable. A large variety of products is nowadays available to clean, rinse and disinfect your lenses:* Saline solution: once the lens was cleaned, this solution is used to rinse it.* Daily cleaner: this cleaner is used once a day, to clean the lenses. With a few droplets of the cleaner on it, the lens is rubbed for about 20 seconds on each side. Long nails mean to be extra careful with the rubbing!* Multipurpose solution: this solution is used for rinsing, disinfecting, cleaning and storing the lenses. It can be us ed only for disinfection and storage if it is associated with another rinsing product (eg: Saline solution) and a cleaning one (eg: daily cleaner).Some products may contain preservatives such as thimerosal. To avoid any kind of problems due to these preservatives (even if many brands no longer use products that contain preservatives), it is safer to chose products with the label for sensitive eyes, and these products usually have an expiration date.How common they are in todays societyContact lenses are greatly used in todays society. Even if they are basically made to cure vision troubles, they are more and more used for appearance aspects: many people would rather wear contact lenses than glasses because they look prettier, and because you have fewer troubles with them. few examples include the nerd stereotype changing from glasses and becomes beautiful, or the athlete who can play sports without fear of shattered glasses, or also the actor able to switch his eye colour from brown to red, passing by blue, depending on the role. Teens are the main people wanting to switch their glasses for contact lenses, for cosmetic reasons: they will feel more self-confident and good looking without their glasses. But before contact lenses are prescribed to this category of people, it is important to make sure that they are responsible enough to take care of their contacts. Teens are also the best costumers to buy colour contact lenses in order to change their appearance: more than just changing the colour of your eye, special contact lenses are now available for special occasions, such as Halloween with contacts that give you cats or vampires eyes.So it is very common nowadays to see people wearing eye contacts even though they dont need them for their sight. However, a prescription is always needed because wearing contact lenses is still considered as a medical application. And the fact that they are more and more common in todays society should not make us forget their first aim was for helping see and so they need special care, even if they are only being used as a fashion accessory. More than that, secondary effects might happen, such as fatigue and headaches, and those are stronger if it takes time for the eyes to adapt to the contacts.Also be careful when putting make up on: always put your contacts before the make up and take them off before you use makeup remover. Also it is preferable to use non-allergenic makeup.Own opinionI personally dont wear contact lenses because I dont have any vision troubles and I dont resent the need to change the colour of my eye or anything, but I really think that they are very useful and helpful. I do know some people who hated wearing glasses, and after they tried contact lenses, they felt prettier and better. I also think that contacts are helpful for people who play sports; even in the schools basketball team, few girls wear contacts and it is very useful because this way they dont get hurt; also there is a French commercial for contact lenses that is performed by three famous French athletes, proving that athletes do use contacts. I also think it is nice that actors are able to change their eye colour in order to add little details that make the character more reliable.Nevertheless, contacts are still foreign objects put into your eyes, they might cause secondary effects (such as headaches, seen before) and they need special cleaning equipment. So I think that we have to be careful because if they become too common only as a fashion accessory, then people are going to forget a little bit the medical side of contacts and so they might damage someones eyes if they are not being used properly.ConclusionIn conclusion, the invention of contact lenses has greatly affected peoples sight: eyeglasses are not the first solution to solve vision troubles anymore, because contact lenses have replaced them. They have been so successful because they are easier to use, more discrete and practical as well. And it is more and more common to see people wearing coloured ones them only for the fashion side.However it is important to remind that their first purpose was for medicine, and they require special care that people have to follow, even if they just contacts as fashion accessories.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Marketing Plan for a Camera Phone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 13

Marketing Plan for a Camera Phone - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the goals of the company are to launch the camera phone and capture at least 10% of the market in the first year. This means that the company has to ensure that the marketing is targeted and focused on the particular segments it wants the phone to be sold. Culture: The Company has a laissez faire and democratic culture in its dealings with employees and other stakeholders. This is part of the strategy to ensure that it remains in touch with the latest trends in the telecom space by aligning itself to the needs of the youth. Strengths: Apart from the technical strengths of the mobile phone and its perceived edge over the others in the design and features of the camera phone, the company also focuses on the emerging trends and tries to be ahead of the curve. According to the essay the Company hopes to gain market share proportional to the products that it is marketing and feels that this can be done. One of the aims of this marketing plan is to detail w ays in which the company can gain market share by targeting the customer segments appropriately. Market position: The Company does not have the market leader position but hopes to gain market share by launching its products into the market targeted at a particular segment and aimed at the brand conscious and style conscious customers. By this way, the company hopes to do well in the chosen market segments. Strengths: The competitors are well established and have a presence that is formidable. Only by playing to the company’s strengths in terms of features and style can the company hope to gain market share. Market shares: The market shares of the competitors are formidable but the company can rely on the product doing well in the market place. This is a sure way of ensuring that the market share is gained in a short time.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Gay Marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Gay Marriage - Research Paper Example It also questions various ethical, social, cultural, and in fact, physical or naturally-occurring norms. In the longer run, these problems and conceptual disagreement may pose great negative impacts on the generations to come. The cynical effects of allowing gay marriages are so diverse that it will not be appropriate to overlook them. This paper is an attempt to unveil those significant matters, conceptual deviations and complications that this issue entails. To derive a fair conclusion, the thesis will be evaluated on numerous notable aspects affiliated with homosexuality. Gay marriage is an unnatural union: Michael Levin, a renowned author and professor of psychology at City University of New York, stated that â€Å"Homosexual activists are partial to genetic explanations and hostile to Freudian environmentalism† (Levin 235). The point cannot be denied that the relationship shared by gays is unnatural and defies the laws of nature to procreate, which produces profound impac t on their family and a question mark on socially accepted gender roles. Gay Marriage refers to the union of two homosexual males who are unsure about their sexual orientation and decide to receive social acceptance for their relationship through a legal agreement. The unsettlement or uncertainty of their sexual orientation is caused by numerous factors such as biological, but societal interferences and early-childhood experiences greatly influence a person's sexual preferences afterwards. Hence, it can be stated that not all homosexuals are born with this sort of inclination, and it is not always genetic. (Barlow and Durand 351) Furthermore, even if it is genetic, it is curable through modern therapeutic techniques. â€Å"Clinicians evidently agree that it is possible for a person to be homosexual at one period of his life and heterosexual at another," revealed Levin (235). What makes the homosexual urge unnatural is that procreation is the main task God created mankind for, and o nly that process can be termed as natural which functions the way it has been designed for (McDowell 1201). If homosexuality prevails, encouraged and promoted in society, then the very essence of life gets betrayed, and the world will be exempt of life in no time. Moreover, homosexuality cannot be included in the natural category since it upholds personal pleasure, and homosexuals can be referred to as people caring less about society and only about their satisfaction. Patrick Buchanan rightly proclaims that â€Å"the poor homosexuals- they have declared war upon nature, and now nature is exacting an awful retribution† (Wells 259). Moreover, unlike lesbians, gays cannot even utilize artificial methods for the sake of procreation. Ryan Normandin, editor of The Tech, researched about this aspect and concluded that â€Å"Same-sex couples are unable to procreate, meaning that there is no compelling interest to subsidize their marriages† (5). There is an important point for governments to understand in this statement. That is, when supporters of homosexuality propagate that attainment of â€Å"enhanced happiness† should be the central focus of allowing gay marriage; it gives rise to the debate on subsidizing everything that promotes happiness. It can be anything, from a simple item like chocolate to human-pet marriage, incest, abortion or even brother-sister marriage. Homosexuality is a psychological

Monday, January 27, 2020

The Effect of Sleep on Memory

The Effect of Sleep on Memory Human tend to forget things. Hermann Ebbinghaus is one of the psychologist to study the topic of forgetting. Forget is a gift to the human because if human remember every single event and phenomena that occurs in the daily life, they will suffer a lot. They will remember the feeling of pain and sadness of losing someone who is important to them forever. Forgetting does not mean that the information stored in the long term memory is being deleted or removed. Instead, forgetting means a failure in memory retrieval (Cherry, 2014). This can be seen commonly among the students when they are sitting the examination. Tip-of-the-tongue explains this situation well. Tip-of-the-tongue is a feeling that a person knows something, but the person cannot retrieve it (Margaret Matlin, 2005). Memories are stored in a brain region called hippocampus (Miller, 2010). Lack of sleep will affect the proper function of hippocampus. (Contie Wein, 2013). Memories are formed when the nerve cells in the brain are reinforced. Memory also includes the three stages which are encoding, storage and retrieval. The encoding stage is the process of convert the information received into a usable form. After the information is being encoded, the information will be stored in the brain for future use. However, the stored memory stays outside the conscious awareness. When a person wants to use the information and try to retrieve it from the stored memory, this process will occur under conscious awareness (Cherry, 2014). There are different stages of sleep which include rapid eye movement sleep (REM) sleep, non-rapid eye movement sleep (nREM) which consists of stage one sleep, stage two sleep, stage three sleep and stage four sleep. When a person sleeps, they will start off with nREM sleep follow by REM sleep. Hence, during the sleep process, the body will encounter a cycle of REM sleep and nREM sleep (WebMD, 2014). During nREM sleep, the body will utilize this time to reproduce and rebuild tissues, bones and muscles. Besides that, immune system in the body is also enhanced during this time. Stage one and two in nREM sleep are also called as light sleep while stage three and four are also called as deep sleep (WebMD, 2014). Dreams occur during the REM sleep. This is due to the high activities that occur during the REM sleep and the brain wave patterns observed during REM sleep is similar to the brain wave patterns observed during wakefulness. REM sleep is described as rapid eye movement sleep because during this stage of sleep, human’s eyes move rapidly to different directions. REM sleep is described as a stage of sleep that composed of the combination of brain excitement and muscle immobility. However, REM sleep only accounts for a short period of time in the sleeping process which accounts for twenty percent in sleeping among adults and fifty percent among infants (WebMD, 2014). Sleep plays an essential role in memory, both before and after learning a new task. Besides that, sleep also affects a person’s mood, emotion, motivation and judgment. Sufficient of sleeping hours can help a person to focus attention and thus receive information in a more efficient way. After people sleep, the sleeping process helps to reinforce what people learn during the day. (Harvard Medical School, 2007). This is because study shows that when a person is using the right brain to do task during his or her wakefulness, the slow waves at right brain become larger show that the right brain are exhausted by the task being performed. Interestingly, the brain also will shut down parts of its neurons. This phenomenon is known as local sleep. Besides that, sleep also helps one to link the new memories with the old ones. When people sleep, the brain will review the memories and decide which memory needs to be strengthened. If people do not sleep, their ability to learn new things will drop by up to forty percent ( Contie Wein, 2013). However, different stages of sleep help in different type of memories. Rapid eye movement sleep (REM) plays a critical role in emotional memory (Contie, 2013). Research also shows that after REM sleep, a person can recognize the emotional picture better compared to the neutral ones. Hence, REM sleep helps in reinforcing the emotional content in the memory ( Born, Diekelmann, Groch Willhelm, 2013). Hence, when one spends more time in REM sleep, one can overcome the painful memories in their life. This is because during the REM sleep, the stress chemistry will be suppressed such as the norepinephrine. Then, the brain will process the emotional memories and remove the difficult and painful memories. Experiment shows that when the participants having a full night of sleep after view emotional images, the magnetic resonance image (MRI) shows that there is a great reduction of reactivity in amygdala. Amygdala is a region in the brain that involves in anger and fear. Hence, this allows the forebrain to have a control in a person’s emotions (Walker, 2011 as cited in Anwar, 2011). Furthermore, a physician at a United States Department of Veteran Affairs hospital in the Seattle also discover that by prescribing drugs that can decrease the blood pressure of patients can help in preventing the occurrence of nightmares in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder patients. This is because drugs that can decrease the blood pressure of patients will suppress the level of neurotransmitter norepinephrine in the brain. Therefore, by possessing sufficient amount of REM sleep, PTSD patients can decrease the occurrence of nightmares during the night and have a greater quality of sleep because there is a decrease level of neurotransmitter norepinephrine (Anwar, 2011). Furthermore, research also shows that sleep deprivation can cause psychiatric disorder such as depression and anxiety disorders. Experiments that are carried in this research also show that when normal people are deprived of sleep, the brain wave patterns will look like the pathological psychiatric patterns. Functional magnetic resonance image ( fMRI ) also shows that  participants who do not experience a night of sleep are having a greater reactivity compared to those participants who experience a night of sleep. Hence, this also means that amygdala is active when a person is lack of sleep. This will cause those participants who are lack of sleep to show higher emotion intensity (Walker, 2007 as cited in Anwar, 2007). This is because high activity in amygdala is observed when a person is lack of sleep. This will cause the amygdala to lose connection with the front brain. The connection plays an important role because the front brain is responsible for rational reasoning and releases neurochemicals that can calm down a person when a person is in a nervous state. Instead, when a person is lack of sleep, amygdala will connect to the brain region of local coeruleus instead, which will cause the release of noradrenaline (Walker, 2007 as cited in Anwar, 2007). Furthermore, there is also experiment that has been carried out to see the effect of variables: sleep and memory on mental disorder. Result shows that major depression patients who have divorced experience deteriorated depression when they do not dream about their ex-spouse. Since lack of sleep has a bad effect on mental disorder, intervention such as promotion of good sleep can treat mental disorder such as depression, anxiety disorder and PTSD. This is because sleep helps in consolidating the memory. Therefore, therapist can utilize this finding in the psychotherapy. Therapist can promote and encourage patients to sleep after receive treatment or psychotherapy. This is because during the sleeping process, patients can reinforce and integrate the therapy content. Thus, this can help the patients to rebuild healthy thoughts in themselves. Besides that, slow wave sleep also plays an important role in reinforcing the episodic memory that is stored in the hippocampus and transform them into long term memories ( Born Inostroza, 2013). Episodic memory is a long term memory about specific events, situations and experiences (Cherry, 2014). Furthermore, when people are getting sufficient of sleep, it also helps in the strengthening of motor memory. Different brain scans magnetoencephalography (MEG) and polysomnography (PSG) are being used in the research to trace the brain activity in the brain. Changes in fast sigma and delta brain waves are observed in the motor area of the brain explain the improvement in motor skills after a period of sleep. Participants who have slept after learning a motor task have a higher accuracy in performing the motor tasks. Motor learning can be strengthened during the sleeping process because more brain energy is available ( Tamaki, 2013 as cited in Grohol Wood, 2013). Moreover, sleep also helps in converting short term memory into long term memory. Experiment is carried out by using genetically modified fruit flies. In the experiment, scientists modify some male fruit flies to smell like female fruit flies. After that, scientists expose the male fruit flies to the â€Å" fake† female fruit flies. After a few times of unsuccessful tryout to approach the ‘fake’ female fruit flies, male fruit flies know the fact that those ‘fake’ female fruit flies are not female fruit flies. After that, the experimenter makes some fruit flies to sleep. Results show that after the fruit flies sleep, they able to retain the information about the ‘fake’ fruit flies for several days compared to those fruit flies have not slept. Fruit flies have not slept only can retain the information for a few hours (Breus, 2011). Besides that, research also shows that REM sleep plays a role in enhancing creativity. The ability to think creatively relies on the process of schema disintegration. Schema disintegration is the highest level of memory change which involves the process of disintegration of existing schemas. This will allow ‘outside the box’ thinking. Experiment finds out that participants who have experience REM sleep can find words to produce meanings in three unrelated words such as dream, day and light. From the experiment as described above, scientists also find out that the process of information learning leads to the formation of synapses in the brain. Synapses communicate the information that has learned inside the brain. However, study also shows that during the sleeping process, the connection of nerve cells in our brain actually weakens. This phenomenon is known as the synaptic homeostasis (Cirelli Tononi, 2012). This is actually a shocking fact because all of the mean time people tend to think that during the sleeping process, the nerve cells in the brain are strengthened to reinforce the memory and the things that people have learned during the daytime. This is because formation and strengthening of synapses in the brain consumes energy. If synapses are being reinforced during the day and night time, the brain will run out of energy eventually. Inside the brain, spontaneous firing of neurons which means that unimportant connection of neurons will be weakened or removed to allow the connection between important memory remain intact. In other words, this means that the brain has the ability to differentiate between irrelevant information and significant information. Then, the brain will weaken the synapses that link irrelevant information and preserve the synapses that link significant information. By doing this way, the brain can save more energy and preserve it for the next section of learning after one awakes. This phenomenon also explains the reason that all the organisms need sleep.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Carter Cleaning Company Essay

1. Jennifer asks that you make a list of five specific HR problems you think Carter Cleaning will have to grapple with. 1. High Turnover. Carter Cleaning Company will more than likely face the HR issue of high turnover because of the nature of the business. Most service industry/retail jobs result in high turnover rates due to the demanding workload and hours in return for little compensation. Since the laundromat/ dry cleaning business does not require skilled labor, the employees are not committed to the development of their careers and therefore are much more willing to look for better employment. 2. Lack of training. Due to the nature of the employment, the workers are unskilled laborers and therefore lack any training whatsoever in regards to the business functions with the exception of their daily responsibilities. 3. Employees not working at their peak performance. Since the employees are not skilled laborers they therefore lack drive and determination to work at their top levels of performance. They may not necessarily be unmotivated to work at all but they would more than likely be inclined to do the bare minimum to collect a paycheck. 4. Grievance/employee dissatisfaction. Service/retail jobs function under very similar qualifications that tend to arouse discontent and disenchantment: pay, time/hours, and work-load. I do not expect that Carter Cleaning Company will be immune to this. 5. Economic trends. It is my experience that service industries, especially those not considered a necessity, tend to be subject to economic trends such as booms and depressions. A laundromat/dry cleaning business is not overwhelmingly considered a must-have and therefore will be subject to changes in the economy and dispensable or spendable cash. 2. And she asks, what would you do first if you were me, Jennifer Carter? If I were Jennifer Carter the first thing I would do as a trouble shooter/ problem solver would be to conduct a performance appraisal on three different levels to gauge any problem areas that need attention: at the store level for profitability, at the management level to discern effective/ineffective management practices, and at the employee level to determine employee satisfaction and productivity levels. Although these three levels are interconnected in business practice, examining each independently first would allow for easier  judgment of problematic issues and areas that need remedying. Jennifer Carter could use this information to diagnose and cure the potential for loss of profits, inefficiency, and customer dissatisfaction at any store that showed these symptoms as well as implement not only corrective but preventative HR practices across the board. She could also train managers who needed the redirection in their practices regarding basic managerial responsibilities, employee relations, or any other issues deemed needing adjustment as well as reward exceptional managers based on their assessments. Furthermore, Ms. Carter could evaluate employees who showed potential for increased responsibility and promotion as well as provide useful training for those who demonstrated a lack of skill. An evaluation and appraisal overall would be beneficial because there is always room for improvement in any business, none excluded. By recognizing problem areas and areas of success steps could be taken to fix those problems and also expand upon the things that are going right.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Communication Through Graphic Design Essay

I’m going to college to earn a degree in Graphic Design. Graphic Design is the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books. My dream has always been to work for a large successful major business or company. I would love to live in the city and be able to drive down the high way or pick up a magazine and see my design in it for everyone to see. One of the biggest meanings of the word â€Å"design† is planning. To design is to come up with a plan for all elements of a project. I’ve always been really big on making plans. Like when I go to the mall I don’t like to just walk around aimlessly. I like to have a planned route of certain stores I’m going to go to, and in what order I’m going to go to them. I’ve never actually thought about the communication process when it comes to a career in Graphic Design. I always figured it was a career with little communication considering it’s all mostly done on the computer and independently. Depending on the job task, company, or person your doing a certain job for there has to be plenty on communication in order to get the project and design done. Which is a sender receiver type of communication. When going to create a design you must pay close attention to the person telling you what to design. So good communication skills are relevant to get a good job done and reach your bosses standards. Graphic Design is all about communicating images, ideas, and information visually. There are many different types of communication, Graphic Design is visual and non-verbal communication. For example, a billboard on the side of the road is still a form of communication even though there isn’t technically any talking going on. People drive by and still get the point and the message without any verbal communication. Some interesting history I never realized or thought about is that technically graphic design started back in the prehistoric period. With cavemen doing cave paintings and markings on boulders to relay a message to others. It’s interesting to think that people have been creating forms of non verbal communication through somewhat Graphic Design for quite some time now. Graphic Designs involves intrapersonal and interpersonal communication. This is because with this type of job comes lots of thinking, analyzing, listening, observing, questioning, and evaluating. Also I learned that there’s nonverbal physical means in Graphic Design such as; sign language, touch, eye contact, and body language by using design. It’s through communication that understanding, cooperation, and collaboration occur. Communication skills is way more important in Graphic Design than most would assume.